Braille signs bridge the information gap between individuals with visual impairments and their sighted counterparts.
By providing essential writteninformation in Braille, these signs ensure that everyone, regardless of their visual ability, can access the same information.
Room Number Plate, with Braille script.
Directional plate, with Braille script.
Braille Signage prevents accidents and avoids lawsuits.
Room Number Plate, with Braille script.
When you install braille signs you are helping support independence and make your business more inclusive.
Location plate, with Braille script.
Hotel name plate in a Reception Area, with Braille script.
Businessplate, with Braille script.
The more accessible your business the more positive your PR.
Both people with vision and those without will appreciate your sensitivity and appreciation.
Plexiglass Plate Signs in braille script, with screws and metallic spacers.
Makes it easier and safer to navigate unfamiliar buildings.
Braille signs are a basic consideration for the people who visit your business its shows you respect all people and want everyone to feel welcome and safe on your premises.
Make your own Braille script sign.
Choose the size, color, and the mode of Support.
We will send you a draft to be approved before we manufacture your unique sign.
Please feel free to contact us to assist you if you have any questions.,
Braille signs should be used to help the blind find the following areas:
Public restrooms – Public changing rooms – Elevators – Stairways – Electric rooms Kitchens – Storage rooms – Break rooms – Departments
You might find there are specific areas that also require braille signs on your premises to keep people safe or guide them to the services offered. This might include off-limit areas that are dangerous such as factory space, a customer service counter, security or reception desks, etc